Category: Women's Issues

The founder of a house sharing service for single moms launched the 'CoAbode: Single Mothers House Sharing' project on Indiegogo. The team behind this campaign is crowdfunding to bring their inspired service to single mothers worldwide.

Smart Crowdfunding is slated to carry out strategic marketing initiatives for the 'DeFancy: The Smart Way to Keep Your Family Safe' project on Indiegogo. The team behind this campaign is crowdfunding to bring an inspired wearable personal protection product line to market.

Smart Crowdfunding is slated to carry out strategic marketing initiatives for the 'IntiMate' project on Indiegogo. The team behind this campaign is crowdfunding to bring the highly innovative IntiMate Firming breast treatment system to market.

Smart Crowdfunding is slated to carry out strategic marketing initiatives for the 'IntiMate' project on Indiegogo. The team behind this campaign is crowdfunding to bring the highly innovative IntiMate Firming breast treatment system to market.